Friday, May 13, 2011

Fighthing Hunger In Our Communities

I committed on Marisa post Fighting Hunger in our communities.  I agree mostly with all the points that she points out.  It’s true that every time the Television gets turn on or you hear about something it has to do with people suffering from Hunger. We all see different organizations’ trying to help out others counties and want us to donate just a few buck which is not much. When the truth is like Marisa said we need to help out in our own communities first. Not to be mean or anything but you hear about different organizations in people helping others countries but they need to open the eyes wider in see that people in the United States need food and other important things just as well as other countries do. Yes it is good and great to help others but people need to stop in think “Do my neighbors struggle with not having enough food to eat” and help those that are closer to them. Then trying to worry about someone across the world that we think might be getting the food from the money we donated however it might never get to them. I also agree with Marisa that it’s not all about the money. There is so many ways you can help others by volunteering @ Churches, through school clubs and your local food pantry etc. You know we can’t force people to help but from most of us we ask from others to do things with the kindness of your hearts and to do things that are right even when No one is watching.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

This morning many people got up early to watch the royal wedding weather they were there or not billions of people that watched the wedding on Television dressed up as if they were at the wedding. At 4 o’clock this morning in are time is when the wedding started the spokesperson on News 24 told everyone who was watching the wedding that had children to wake them up because this was a historical day. And that the children would be educated and also remember this day for the rest of their lives. The spokesperson was right. This is a day that many people even children will remember and will talk about for as long as they live. These days it’s hard to get children to focus when it comes to learning especially when the subject is interesting to them. This day should be important to children because they could see a real Prince and Princess get married and learn many new and important things about royal people. For example William a Prince now but if the king dies he well become a king or the Prince and Princess only and have to for respect bow down to the king and queen. Many of these moments and different things about the Royal Wedding are important because kids will learn more than they did before if they didn’t know anything about the Royal People of England would learn something they didn’t know before. For a fact I know children watched and wanted to know more about the Prince and Princess because family and friends told me about their children.  To all the parents with children it’s not too late to turn on the Television and watch the news their still replaying and talking about the royal wedding. We all hear are parents such as are moms talk about Princess Diana what kind of person she was and the good things she would do to help others. So this day is a day that children need to look back and talk about it because it’s a historical day to remember.  

The Royal Wedding

This morning many people got up early to watch the royal wedding weather they were there or not billions of people that watched the wedding on Television dressed up as if they were at the wedding. At 4 o’clock this morning in are time is when the wedding started the spokesperson on News24 told everyone who was watching the wedding that had children to wake them up because this was a historical day. And that the children would be educated and also remember this day for the rest of their lives. The spokesperson was right. This is a day that many people even children will remember and will talk about for as long as they live. These days it’s hard to get children to focus when it comes to learning especially when the subject is interesting to them. This day should be important to children because they could see a real Prince and Princess get married and learn many new and important things about royal people. For example William a Prince now but if the king dies he well become a king or the Prince and Princess only and have to for respect bow down to the king and queen. Many of these moments and different things about the Royal Wedding are important because kids will learn more than they did before if they didn’t know anything about the Royal People of England would learn something they didn’t know before. For a fact I know children watched and wanted to know more about the Prince and Princess because family and friends told me about their children.  To all the parents with children it’s not too late to turn on the Television and watch the news their still replaying and talking about the royal wedding. We all hear are parents such as are moms talk about Princess Diana what kind of person she was and the good things she would do to help others. So this day is a day that children need to look back and talk about it because it’s a historical day to remember.  

Friday, April 15, 2011

As I read your article this was something worth reading in talking about. I had read in watch the News about this so called church. To be straight forward in have the rights of “freedom of speech” May Destiny have the right to write how one must fell. First of all Westboro Baptist Church is NOT a church there just a bunch of a hundred or so family members that are mostly attorneys that have nothing better to do but to be rude and disrespectful towards people. This so called church is doing the things they are for attention and for the money NOT for GOD. The reason for saying “so called church” is because no other church besides this one has ever been heard of protesting at family’s funerals holding signs saying “Thank God For Day Soldiers” or “Thank God For 9/11” Try look around in finding other real Christian churches in see if they do this, pretty sure this is the only church that does “hate full crime” like this. In if this church really is a Baptist Church then why are they judging others? It is clearly writing in the bible in the book of Hebrews that we shouldn’t judge anyone.  So these members of this church need to stop saying things like “U.S. military deaths are God's punishment for America's intolerance of homosexuals." Because that are not God in they shouldn’t judge simple as that. In true what you wrote that “Words do hurt no matter what the old saying about sticks and stones say” Yes we should be happy for the First Amendment but we need to be more respectful in what we say and do, because we have the younger generation look up at us.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The presidential promise

Since 9/11 Bush had been digging a bigger hole for the United States every year since then. When Obama took over he said he was going to make change, but really what change has he made? It’s ironic how Obama has all this power but doesn’t seem to use it right. We question if Obama broke the law when he ordered U.S. planes to bomb Moammar Kadafi's forces in Libya. Some critics think so. Some say he took the responds to emergencies and act on it as soon as he could, but without any approval from congress. Many people are upset that Obama sent so many troops when he said he was going bring troops home. Most people are upset that he got involved with a country that had nothing to do with us.
 To determine if Obama was exceeded his authority was the two documents that are key: The Constitution, which describes the president as commander in chief (while giving Congress the power to declare war) which the letter law was passed over the veto of President Nixon, which is both similar what Obama did. However it also states that the president can undertake such in operation only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization or (3) a national emergency created by an attack on the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces. But yet none of the 3 meets the standers in the operation in Libya.
 After sending troops to Libya Obama sent a message of his theory on why he made his decision; U.S. involvement was necessary because "the growing instability in Libya could ignite wider instability in the Middle East, with dangerous consequences to the national security interests of the United States.” It is hard to determine if Obama broke the law or not but Obama is taking his authority as commander in chief in doing what he can. Just like previous presidents have said, he was acting "consistent with" the War Powers Resolution, not "pursuant to" it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Is The Government Broken?

Republicans want to cut 61 billion which is something that The House of Representatives agreed on a couple of weeks ago. The democrats only want to cut 10.5 billion. Republican Senators Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn came up with the idea to cut only 400 million a year by stripping from the Corporation of Public Broadcasting. But they have not talked about Social Security or Medicare, but children’s programming is at risk. In time Magazine they talked about if America's best days are behind it, because crime rate has increased, and graduation rates have decreased and High school pregnancies have increased.             -FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty

I think it’s good so America can get back on their feet. But it also is not good because all of America will be affected by the budget cut. By taking our educational television channels such as Public Broadcasting Service that show Sesame Street, Word World, Cyber Chase, Clifford, Curious George, Maya & Miguel, etc.. And also the graduation rate will decrease because Public Broadcasting Service is really the only television channel that helps kids on their education. Because of the budget cut public school will be forced to lay-off teachers because of that the Public school system will have to increase the population in all classes and that will cause distraction, to those who are in need of special attention. And because that the high school drop-out rate will increase.
I think by girls not getting their attention at school from faculty, they will figure out ways to get the attention. And the consequences will more likely be increasing in pregnancies.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Schools expect budget cuts as economy sours

School budget will soon change do to the nation’s economic downturn. Board members attending the National school Boards Associations legislative conference said they were considering rolling back benefits to school employees, reducing staff and limiting tutoring and extracurricular activities available to students. This is not a good idea in what they are trying to do. By shorting the staff of teachers is not good for the children because we need a lot of teachers. Having less teachers will probably reduce class size, in children need “one on one” help and having a full class some students won’t get the full attention they need. Also by reducing tutoring is not going to benefit children will, tutoring is for children that need extra help from teachers and to help them get caught up with the rest of the class. If they keep reducing benefits the children are just going to fall behind and that’s not good. Extracurricular activities is good for children it helps in many ways like being sociable, self-esteem and controlling behavior and also being discipline. Children are important because they are the future. My opinion is that the economy needs to stop spending money on this they don’t need in start caring about the things we do need!!

Gas prices

After reading this article by Ben Rooney i know more information about Gas Prices. As we all know that gas prices are increasing. Just this past week prices have gone up 6 cents and this is just the beginning. The prices have gone up to a 100 dollars a barrel, but that only tells us what? Well that means that the prices on filling up our gas tanks will only go up as well. We do not see prices decreasing anytime soon. Also "Truck drivers and Bussinesses will have to lay-off workers, because of high gasoline prices. And that adds on to schools, buses, metro buses, taxi's, and etc.. We rely on gasoline alot and that is why it is putting a huge dint in our wallets. Also the prices of our food will also increase because farmers are charged alot for using their tractors to run their farms. Postage stamps will also increase because they also use tranportation that rely on gasoline such as airplanes and vehicles. If we could drill off the shores of The U.S. our prices would not increase so much. But because of the oil spill in the Eastern Golf Coast we are not allowed to drill in Eastern Golf Coast, off the Atlantic and Pacific.