Friday, March 11, 2011

Is The Government Broken?

Republicans want to cut 61 billion which is something that The House of Representatives agreed on a couple of weeks ago. The democrats only want to cut 10.5 billion. Republican Senators Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn came up with the idea to cut only 400 million a year by stripping from the Corporation of Public Broadcasting. But they have not talked about Social Security or Medicare, but children’s programming is at risk. In time Magazine they talked about if America's best days are behind it, because crime rate has increased, and graduation rates have decreased and High school pregnancies have increased.             -FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty

I think it’s good so America can get back on their feet. But it also is not good because all of America will be affected by the budget cut. By taking our educational television channels such as Public Broadcasting Service that show Sesame Street, Word World, Cyber Chase, Clifford, Curious George, Maya & Miguel, etc.. And also the graduation rate will decrease because Public Broadcasting Service is really the only television channel that helps kids on their education. Because of the budget cut public school will be forced to lay-off teachers because of that the Public school system will have to increase the population in all classes and that will cause distraction, to those who are in need of special attention. And because that the high school drop-out rate will increase.
I think by girls not getting their attention at school from faculty, they will figure out ways to get the attention. And the consequences will more likely be increasing in pregnancies.