Friday, February 25, 2011

Schools expect budget cuts as economy sours

School budget will soon change do to the nation’s economic downturn. Board members attending the National school Boards Associations legislative conference said they were considering rolling back benefits to school employees, reducing staff and limiting tutoring and extracurricular activities available to students. This is not a good idea in what they are trying to do. By shorting the staff of teachers is not good for the children because we need a lot of teachers. Having less teachers will probably reduce class size, in children need “one on one” help and having a full class some students won’t get the full attention they need. Also by reducing tutoring is not going to benefit children will, tutoring is for children that need extra help from teachers and to help them get caught up with the rest of the class. If they keep reducing benefits the children are just going to fall behind and that’s not good. Extracurricular activities is good for children it helps in many ways like being sociable, self-esteem and controlling behavior and also being discipline. Children are important because they are the future. My opinion is that the economy needs to stop spending money on this they don’t need in start caring about the things we do need!!

Gas prices

After reading this article by Ben Rooney i know more information about Gas Prices. As we all know that gas prices are increasing. Just this past week prices have gone up 6 cents and this is just the beginning. The prices have gone up to a 100 dollars a barrel, but that only tells us what? Well that means that the prices on filling up our gas tanks will only go up as well. We do not see prices decreasing anytime soon. Also "Truck drivers and Bussinesses will have to lay-off workers, because of high gasoline prices. And that adds on to schools, buses, metro buses, taxi's, and etc.. We rely on gasoline alot and that is why it is putting a huge dint in our wallets. Also the prices of our food will also increase because farmers are charged alot for using their tractors to run their farms. Postage stamps will also increase because they also use tranportation that rely on gasoline such as airplanes and vehicles. If we could drill off the shores of The U.S. our prices would not increase so much. But because of the oil spill in the Eastern Golf Coast we are not allowed to drill in Eastern Golf Coast, off the Atlantic and Pacific.